Happy Giving Tuesday! Today's a special day for charities and organizations across the globe, and although nobody can donate to all of them, I do enjoy seeing the flood of fundraising asks popping up across my social media feeds.
There are plenty of important causes out there, so today, I thought I'd open up and share the four organizations to which I personally make recurring monthly contributions!

1. Doctors Without Borders
Doctors Without Borders is an organization whose mission is to "provide lifesaving medical care to those most in need." If you're looking for a high-impact charity that provides the most bang for your buck, I think this is probably the option for you.
It only costs a few bucks to provide life saving vaccines, medications, and emergency rations for people displaced by war and climate change.

2. The Blue Bench
The Blue Bench is metro Denver's only comprehensive sexual assault prevention and survivor support center. Their mission is to "eliminate sexual assault and diminish the impact it has on our community."
One of their canvassers knocked on my door over a year ago and I've been a member ever since. This is a good organization to give to if you're looking to make a powerful local impact.
Side note: their google review score was tanked because some dog bed scammer used the same name as them. Leave a positive review if you have the time!

3. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
The ACLU is my go-to organization when it comes to supporting social justice and human rights efforts in the US. They fight for a broad spectrum of causes, like LGBT rights, racial justice, immigration, reproductive rights, and many more.
I make individual donations for more specific causes throughout the year, but for their broadband effort, the ACLU has my recurring donation.

4. Conservation Colorado
Conservation Colorado "works to protect Colorado's climate, air, land, water, and communities through organizing, advocacy, and elections." If you care about Colorado's future, this is the organization that has your interests at heart.
Okay, this one's kind of cheating since I don't actually give Conservation Colorado a direct donation every month . . . Conservation Colorado is my employer. But everyone who works for Conservation Colorado believes in its mission and purpose.
This year, I'm trying to raise $2,000 for Conservation Colorado through Colorado Gives Day. If you're looking to make a donation to a good cause this year, please consider becoming a member and fighting for Colorado!
But no matter where you decide to give on this Giving Tuesday, just remember to feel good knowing that you're helping to shape the world into a better place. :)